
Get personalized vaccine recommendations based on CDC guidelines with our AI-powered app. Stay up-to-date with your vaccinations and protect yourself and your community from preventable diseases. This app is capable of providing generally accurate responses based on the CDC guidelines up to the date of GPT training cut-off in September 2021, the AI cannot access real-time updates or changes in guidelines or vaccine data after that date. Therefore, any output generated should be cross-verified with the most current CDC guidelines and confirmed by a healthcare professional. User Privacy Agreement: This app is designed as an experimental tool to provide personalized vaccine recommendations based on any inputted information. We assure you, as the user, that we, the app developers, do not collect, store, or share any of the information that you input into this app. The information provided is used solely for the purpose of generating vaccine recommendations during your session and is not saved or used for any other purposes. By using this app, you understand and agree that your inputs are not linked to your personal identity and that we do not maintain any records of the information you provide. This tool is intended for educational purposes and does not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider before making any decisions related to vaccinations. This application is built using the platform. As such, the platform's Privacy Policy applies in addition to this agreement. Please review's Privacy Policy here: Your use of this app signifies your acceptance of this User Privacy Agreement and's Privacy Policy.

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